This is an example to create a new page called development and the url to access will be
First, it's necessary to create a class page in directory /includes/controllers like Development.php, we'll create a method called "show" like this:
namespace Evolution\Controllers;
class Development extends BaseController
public function show()
This example will call the template file development.tpl, template files are located in /includes/template
Second, we'll create a route to call this class when user visit the url
We are creating a file called developmentRoute.php and it will be saved in /includes/routing, here is the example code:
return [
'developer_route' => [
'path' => '/pages/development',
'controller' => [
If you want to add a link to this page, then you can generate the url using route_to('developer_route'), so in your template you can add the line:
<a href="{route_to('developer_route')}">My Link</a>
If you want to create a page where only logged members can access, then the controller page should be like this:
namespace Evolution\Controllers;
use Evolution\Components\Services;
class Development extends BaseController
public function show()
$user = Services::user();